Anyways, after watching the first two films on TV, I got to thinking about how comforting it is to watch movies you love, especially when you're feeling down. It's kind of like seeing an old friend and no time has passed. I know that seems kinda cheesy, but if I was the only one who felt this way then digital cable would not be as popular as it is.
I was in a real down mood yesterday. Super lonely, but the kind of lonely that being around the wrong people only makes you feel lonelier. Why
didn't I pick up a phone and call somebody? Because I kept staring at it waiting for them to call me. Who? Anybody. But it didn't work. So I watched movies with Gracie curled up next to me, on my tummy, on my legs, next to me again, but the whole time always with me. I remembered how much I loved "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and momentarily wanted to get married. I remembered why people made such a huge deal out of Sean Penn's Jeff Spicoli in "Fast Times and Ridgemont High"- his ordering a pizza into his classroom goes down in movie history. Unfortunately I cannot watch Phoebe Cate's bathing suit scene without thinking of "Family Guy", I know, weird. Even weirder, I cannot find a reference to that clip on google or youtube (the FG clip that is). Oh well.

Lastly, "Dirty Dancing" came on. That may have cheered me up more today than when I got my nails done in a fun cranberry sparkly color for Thanksgiving festivities. Patti asked me how many times I've watched it, the answer is too many to count, probably more than 100, although not always all the way through. As it is, I missed a good half hour eating dinner. But I didn't miss my favorite part, which I could watch over and over again. The finale. One day I will learn that dance. Perhaps with my Paul Rudd-alike boyfriend.
I'm about as comforted now as if I ate that whole box of Mac and Cheese (Kraft only, I need my blue box), but without all the calories, bloating, and food coma issues that accompany. I can safely say my MEGA MOVIE WEEKEND (you better still be using the booming voice) lifted my spirits a bit even though I'm still counting down til my next trip to MA.