Friday, September 12, 2008

Waiting for my clarinex...

I'm taking a brief break from cleaning while my clarinex kicks in. Lots of dust = allergy hell. I accomplished the first part of my list, from 8:15 (well it was actually 8:30) to noon. I even was at the gym for an hour! It was the first time I've been to the Drew gym since my hs graduation party 5 1/2 years ago. It was a little creepy for me.

On my way home from the gym Austin called and said he was stranded at the train station, could I pick him up? Of course. So as I'm waiting for him my uncle pulls up alongside me. I guess Austin WASN'T stranded. My cousin is a doofus. It worked out nicely though, because we had lunch at Arthur's and I had a nice big bowl of onion soup.

I discovered that I'm only a few minutes from just about anywhere I need to go out here, and from Morris Plains found a very quick way to Rt. 10. I went to pick up my jeans being hemmed only to discover the waist I had asked them to take in was taken in TOO MUCH. It was uncomfortable asking them to let it out a little, but I could either pay, take the pants, and never wear them or have them fixed to fit me properly.

At home I decided I should try to clean my room. And that's what I've been doing for a while. I had a ton of files on the floor from my mom's filing cabinet. I found family pictures (pre-divorce), camp letters, report cards, things with my mom's handwriting, and it was hard for me. On the plus side I found a letter Ryne wrote to my mom from camp saying he missed me. I photocopied it and stuck it on his desk. Muahahahaha.

Well, the good news is that I can now see a certain corner of my room that has remained covered pretty much since a lot of my furniture arrived. I think I may go around next and collect receipts and other junk that's found it's way to the floor and throw it out. Babysteps. My goal is to have my room mostly cleaned by next week so our cleaning lady will actually step foot in there and vacuum (I don't care for vacuuming, and yes I know that sounds ridic spoiled and obnoxious, but she's already being paid to clean, let her hit up my room).

Okay back to work for a bit before I can let myself relax and watch some TV. I'm hoping my dad comes home early-ish so I can have a nice dinner, otherwise I may just cook myself some pasta and get Maggie Moo's for dessert. EARLY.

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