Yes, apparently my Nana has joined a biker gang. She's seventy-something and skis, which is quite impressive, but this just takes the cake. Let me give you a little history on my Nana. She's married (husband #4) to a very cranky man whose catch phrase is "Goddammit Iris!" I can just picture them riding on this, their golden retriever Jake (who goes everywhere with them) holding on as well with him shouting "GODDAMMIT IRIS!!!!" Okay, I'm cracking up right now, and my brother is probably asleep, so this is my outlet. Please tell me if you find this humorous in anyway.
The original point of my post (before being distracted by the craziness that is quite scarily my blood relative) was to make a bit of a to-do list for my upcoming weekend. I figure I'll check back in on Monday and see how much of it was accomplished.
At 12:30pm tomorrow I will be departing for NJ. This time one of my sisters is coming with me so I don't have to drive alone and strain my vocal chords once again. She'll be hopping on a train to NYC to see a boyf while I get my windshield replaced. And when it rains it pours, as soon as my car had a passenger another girl I once drove home forever ago has also asked for a ride. This is great because she's being very generous and giving me gas money. So first I'm stopping in NORTH NORTH NORTH Jersey (pretty much borderline NY) and I hope to get back on 287 without getting lost, because last time it took me an hour to figure out my way home (although in all fairness it was dark that time and I was still a more novice driver). The next stop is Randolph, NJ where both my dad and his friendly neighborhood mechanic reside. I'm leaving the Magmobile to have the windshield replaced so the car can pass inspection. The only problem is that Lindsey needs to get to NYC from Millburn, where my mom lives. I will be left carless in Randolph, so I guess that means I'll have to borrow one of my dad's cars.
Let's see.... while I will never complain about borrowing his BMW 5 series, he has apparently had a second midlife crisis and traded in the 1980 Porsche for a 2007 BMW Z4.

So... besides looking freaking awesome in my butt-kicking spy gear and car (yes I'm assuming I will get my greedy little paws on it), here are my other plans for the weekend...
- Take Lindsey to the train station, make sure to put her on correct train
- Reunite with my mom and kitty Gracie
- Complete assigned artwork so I have no homework to do Tuesday night
- Eat my FAVORITE pizza, Randazzo's
- Avoid shopping with my mom, but eventually give in. This means we'll look at expensive things that she'll urge me to buy with my own money. At some point I'll give in and probably buy some Marc Jacobs item that I cannot afford to add to my overstuffed closet.
- Do laundry
- Not fight with my brother, Ryne. Maybe bond over that crazy picture of my Nana and how crazy she is.
- Get new driver's license (kind of embarrassing story I'll post at some point)
- Get car reinspected with new windshield as early as possible so I don't wait on line FOREVER
- Steal bottled water and snacks
- Beg for spare change from my dad, will mostly likely receive a twenty
Also, if you know where the quote from the subject line came from I might just love you forever.

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